Sort of Crafty

want to see what i am making? check back here...

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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


less than one week!!

Six Feet Under starts next monday night, woo hoo. i cannot wait. the previews have been so fantastic. you can see photos from the premier here. check out how old the "mayas" look. also, if only i could have hair the color of claire fisher, i would be so happy (that's the vanity for the day...)

remember sassy magazine...

gone are the days when you read advice columns like this.



david lachappelle is from connecticut, all this time i thought he was not even american. why this is even worth posting, don't know....
please continue as you were.


the suitcase has been put away, i repeat, the suitcase has been put away. only, what 4 weeks after i came back from vaca, pretty good, right?

knitting in progress

knitting in progress
Originally uploaded by amyr.
here's what i am working on now, the top from knitty called mariposa. the color scheme looks good, i think. more progress since this photo was taken, it will take me a while, but it's pretty mindless, just the way i like it.

Medieval Times

Medieval Times
Originally uploaded by amyr.
should i add this to the list of things to do before i leave? i wish i could have taken a front view photo of the majesty that is medieval times, but alas, it's on a highway...

is it saturday or is it sunday?

savage mill
Originally uploaded by amyr.
this long weekend has been full of attempts to buy summer clothes and shoes (not so successful...) and just driving around enjoying the sunny weather. stopped into savage mill yesterday, took some photos (look in my flickr acct for more). last week a coworker brought to my attention just how few weekends i have left here, so i feel obligated to make the most of it and actually try and feel good about this place before i leave. as i mentioned, i am starting a list of things i have to do before i leave. today i will actually clean up the place and get ready to head back to work. i think this week will probably go pretty fast, hopefully.


boredom leads to boring crafting

boredom leads to boring crafting
Originally uploaded by amyr.
so, this is what i have done this am, in addition to the approx. 2 rows of the tank top i knit. i think i will head out today, looks nice out so i think i'll maybe go to annapolis or something, don't know yet. soviets received his tie bracelets and seems happy! that's always good news. laters


the short stop is very dark!

the short stop is very dark!
Originally uploaded by amyr.
i should have used this photo for the post about the short stop. oh well. just adding some photos to keep it interesting....

i am (not) charlotte simmons

just finished charlotte simmons and feel almost cheated out of the week and half i spen reading that 670 page sham. from a book that was supposed to show the shocking state of college these days, it did such a poor job. who allowed a 74 year old white male write about this topic? also, to the people who positively reviewed this book and said how it was good, can you please write me and let me know how you found it to be interested? at all? i didn't read this book for the shocking value of hearing about how college campuses are rampant with sex drugs and britney spears music, rather i thought it would be an easy summer read about a country girl and her view of this large prestigious east coast school. wrong again. there is approx. 500 pages of background before the main action takes place, leaving less than 200 pages to tie up the loose edges. the 500 pages of back story and support info. is nothing new, just info. that could have been written by any american aware of stereotypes on college campuses, the stupid athlete with all the perks b/c he's a star on campus, the fraternity jerk who takes advantage of girls, the dork who has to "tutor" the athletes to pay his way at school.
then we come to the end and it just blew me away with little irony the sum up of the book was written. (don't want the story spoiled, don't read any further).....
she ends up with the athlete who wanted to change his ways and "work" at school (mind you, i think it was supposed to be his last semester, way to turn over a new leaf) and she leads him into the intellectual life. oh my god, are you kidding me?? she is now a celebrity on campus (and not of the reasons earlier in the book) b/c she is the athlete's girlfriend. you cannot even begin to imagine how much this really put me over the edge. talk about clearly written by a male! all of the male characters were lame, typical stereotypes confirming their place in the grand scheme.
i have to stop now before i go over the edge. off to the mall in columbia.


we all knew michele had star quality!

did you see the photo of michele KNITTING on crazyauntpurl's blog? that's her about half way down the page in her new dress/ shirt, what a awesome girl she is! rock out!

we used to be friends (clap clap)

just finished watching DiG, almost two times actually b/c i wanted to hear some of the dandy warhols commentary, i have the extras disc in my queue at netflix, so soon i guess i'll get to see the other features. i really enjoyed it, i am sure it helps that i like the dandys (introduced to me by natasha) so it was terribly interesting. lots o drama and totally crazy. oh, and zia's hair during the earlier parts of the movie is just like i would like mine. she does admit that it is "high maintence" when the rest of the band says that her hair looked great like that....

ok, what else. the day job is wearing on me, it's just becoming a real problem at times. things are tumultuous at work to say the least. maybe someday i'll be able to tell people in more detail, just not on the blog.

i hope to make some stuff this weekend, what else do i have going on, um, nothing at all. guess i should start the tank top.

maybe i didn't mention this about the trip to california and the visit to the shortstop in all the FOW drama, but they expanded/ remodeled the short stop, it looks nice, when i say remodel, i really mean they expanded like one wall, but then also i saw a picture of clyde (gd's cat!) on the wall, you know the one from the last twilight cd, in the inside of the case. nice. (i must sound like i am ten as i write that i saw a pic of greg's cat in a bar. oh my gosh...)

and speaking of twilight, new stuff on the way!!

guess who's having a birthday....

one of my fav. places to see a show.


mark your calendars

so june first will be "the day". most of the people who read this know what i am talking about, and if you don't sorry, but june 1st will be when you find out- i can't take the chance of those who are less informed about the situation finding out. you know when you are forced to keep a secret for a long time how it begins to weigh on you? i certainly now know the feeling. i have crazy dreams about this stuff. urgh. a few people who know the news have asked me to divulge the news when they are not around, etc. people, i have been holding back on this for literally months, i cannot spare one additional day or a week. urgh. i can't wait until i can even say the name of the news on this blog and can quit writing like a pretentious jerk who writes things in code.
what else, this weekend is the holiday weekend, i will be staying in town. i am tired of driving and travelling and just want to lay around. i have DiG coming from netflix and the first season of scrubs, so that's all good. perfect things to watch on the weekend. also, i am getting a laptop (you know for the thing related to the news...) so i need to research this weekend (it's all so confusing and seems all the same to me, i don't know). also, i plan on making this list of things i need to do before the fall, you know fun things that i won't be able to do after the fall, this is one of them. i am especially psyched to see this.
oh, and i want to start the tank top, now that i have finished the swatch and it was perfect!

finally today, there is some sunshine, it's been terrible and raining the past few days, so even i can say the sun is welcome back.


another broken promise...

from the washingtonpost:
Pinback's Pent-Up Power Beneath a Sleek Surface
Tuesday, May 24, 2005; Page C04
In Pinback's clean, shimmering recordings, there is never a sense of individual parts working; the songs glide and tick along like the most highly calibrated engine. But to watch one of the San Diego band's live sets -- say, the one it played at the Black Cat on Sunday night -- is to realize how adeptly Rob Crow and Zach Smith weave their voices together to create those distinctive melodic shapes. That duo singing, along with Smith's inventive bass playing, were a joy to observe and, combined with Pinback's invigorating, tightly stitched songs, furthers the group's status as an oasis in the largely arid desert of indie pop.
Smith and Crow fashion most of Pinback's studio recordings, but additional players, like the drummer and two keyboardist/guitarists onstage Sunday, reproduce the songs with a vigorous human kick. Centered on the sparkling new album "Summer in Abbadon," the 90-minute set never lagged. From "Non-Photo Blue" through "Fortress," Smith's bass -- he favors strummed chords and spidery, middle-register figures over traditional low-end timekeeping -- was a dynamic force. And if the surfaces of songs like "AFK" were placid, Crow's voice occasionally roiled underneath, indicating the dismay and darkness that is often found within their densely layered creations. That Pinback simultaneously transmitted lightly frothing tones and somber emotional undertow is a tribute to Smith and Crow's rapid ascension toward the ranks of master pop craftsmen.


this is the last one, i swear

i have gotten the impression from some people that maybe the pinback posts have been excessive lately. believe me, i am as shocked as all of you. this is the last one for a while....
i did end up going to the black cat show last night, was fun, but i think i actually had more fun in baltimore, less jocky of a show, less talkers, not to discount the total weirdness of the crowd in baltimore, but come on, dc shows are known for their talkers. although i did giggle when zach (ABSIV) said "hey, hey" in his sweet voice (don't worry if you don't understand that sentence, it's just more dribble about the band). chatted with rob again, nice kids they are.

so to sum up, i love pinback, in a way that i can only express with saying , i would consider marrying that band. it might sound weird/ creepy, but if you know me, you know i don't even believe in marriage so take my comment as either a total farce or a cry for an intervention. whichever is fine.

with my 3.5 (estimated up on that) hours of sleep i dragged myself into work this AM. took lunch with the best (former) boss anyone could have ever asked for and made it successfully through the day, amazingly enough. it's early to bed for me tonight...

JUST HAD TO ADD: as i spell checked this, blogger apparently wanted to change "PINBACK" into PIMPS. man, that would have made this post even more bizarre.... re-read inserting pimps.

talk about a fan...

a good article from the latimes courtesy of michele. talk about an amazing trip!


that's it.

decision made, going to pinback tonight, along again.

oh, pinback, how i love thee

pinback t shirt
Originally uploaded by amyr.
so i went to the pinback show last night and i am seriously considering going to the show at the black cat tonight.... they were fantastic. such a good mix of old and new material. it was the first time that i had ventured into the area known at "power plant live" in baltimore to check out the rams head live. the rams head was ok, it was a bit strange, they had a bar area off to the side that had flat screens so you could sit over there and watch like it was a tv show, very strange. got there as the first band was wrapping up and watched the second band from a stool closer to the bar. between the second band and (finally!) pinback i got the courage to walk up to the front with the other pinback fanatics. i want to decsribe the mish-mash which was the crowd, but i am afraid i can't even come to an understanding of it myself. there were all these random people there that i cannot wrap my head around, not at all what i expected, how do these people know pinback? anyway. the sound was ok, not as great as i would have wanted for this great modern space. what else, oh, i met this girl stephanie and her boyfriend, jason (who it turns out is from butler or something...) and they were super cool, super into pinback. stephanie noticed my shoes (the flowered skimmers) and was (as she admitted) enamoured with them, later in the show she leaned over and said i can't stop looking at your shoes!!! they invited me out afterwards, but as i was not going to be drinking i felt awkward going. it was funny b/c neither of us could get a grasp on the crowd and i had to ask if this was what shows in baltimore were like, yes they are. talked to rob from the band before heading how, baltimore has been the least attended show thus far, which was good news b/c i felt so bad about the fact that there were probably less than 200 people there... he said dc would be better... so now the terrible debate about whether to venture into dc tonight to see them again.... urgh.

sometimes even the lazy craft...

premade bag
Originally uploaded by amyr.
i made one of the laziest crafts ever today. i bought this super cute bag (just the green part) at joanns, but was not feeling the handles you could purchase for it at all!!! so i bought one of their "make one of those super cool ribbon belt" sets and morphed it into the handles, i think it turned out well, plus the handles are interchangable due to this super fancy button system (so inside photo in my flickr acct, really no one needs me to post to the blog the inside photo of this bag, right??) anyway, so is there really any sense of accomplishment for finishing this, except that the materials are at least not sitting in the middle of the messy living room, no, not so much, but it is a cute bag...

ribbon bracelet, maybe headband?

ribbon bracelet, maybe headband?
Originally uploaded by amyr.
i have been experimenting with knitting using non yarn materials, the obligatory wire, some 1/8 in ribbon, and also some of that skinny plastic things kids use to make keychains at camp, it's all really cheap materials so i figured i would just see how it goes. the green one is maybe a bracelet and i was thinking of making the brown/ blue combo into a headband? don't know.


still not put away....

still not put away....
Originally uploaded by amyr.
pathetic, i know

eek a mess

eek a mess
Originally uploaded by amyr.
ok, i am a liar, i said i have no problem cleaning up the small things and i specifically mentioned the cds as something that i didn't mind dealing with. so when i spotted this debacle this AM, i thought i best call myself out. yes, i am ashamed. thanks for your support


how did it get this bad?

i feel like one of those people who suddenly realized that they are drug addicts, but not really at all. the truth about my situation is that i have a terribly messy apartment. i would post pictures, but really i am not as brave/ ready to show the madness to the world like michele did. so i have been back what, two and a half weeks, from california and is my suitcase (at least it's mostly empty...) is STILL sitting in the hallway. along with rejected clothes which i thought i would take/ wear on vaca and never did, nor did i put them away. the sad thing is that the little tasks involved in cleaning the apartment (cleaning the toilet, putting cds away...) i can handle, yet things like putting clothes away, i cannot take, sometimes i will even put clothes away for just a few minutes and then i decide i NEED to blog about the experience.... hmm.
so yeah, i need to put clothes away and do a total clean up of the apartment. i did do the summer clothes switch and will cart the winter clothes up to PA next time i go.

also, i have decided as i have about 3 cds in my bedroom at present, i will continuously listen to the stills rememberese ep which contains a whole 4 songs (which actually is only 3 song b/c one is a mix of one of the other songs...) maybe this is a sick sort of tourture.
it should be noted that if i made you a copy of the stills cd and maybe you haven't listened to it yet, you should b/c it's amazing, each time i listen to logic will break your heart i can't even believe how great that cd is. i brought it back into rotation on the way home from worky yesterday and it made me so happy. i repeated it again today....

maybe i need to stop writing this stupid entry and put my clothes away....

pittsburgh weird

well i guess it's been confirmed:
from the postgazette
Interview with Alexander Boese (December 2002,, curator of the online rogue's gallery,
Q. Not that I'm asking you to psychoanalyze yourself -- or maybe I am -- but what is it about lying and deception that so fascinates you personally?
A. Hoaxes can be funny and weird, and that's a large part of their appeal. I've definitely been attracted to stories and tales about weird phenomena throughout my life. My mother's family comes from the Pittsburgh area, and people from around there tell me that I got the "Pittsburgh gene," which is like a gene for weirdness. Its existence is demonstrated by the fact that so many people from that region of the country have shown a definite propensity for weirdness, Andy Warhol probably being the most famous of them. I have a great uncle who invented a camera that can take pictures of the little people that live on plants. Evidently, he got the Pittsburgh gene, too.

wow, who knew?

this person apparently doesn't like DC too much!


can you believe?

netflix is teaming up with wal-mart. i understand the business tactic, but as a netflix subscriber, i really don't want to see wal-mart emblazon on all my mailers...

EDIT: Sorry if people felt this was too political for the blog!

every morning

each day on my walk to work i see the black squirrels, i wondered where they came from and today the washington post answered my question.


why am i so so tired???

egads, i feel so run down today. i have been not sleepnig so well, i think it's catching up with me. today was pretty crazy. had some troubles at work including weird database things happening, so i felt a bit stressed about that.
i am finally ready to start my next knitting project, a backwards wrap tank from knitty (called mariposa) I'm pretty psyched, just finishing the swatch and then it's time to go. hopefully i can finish it, or actually accomplish it. michele also turned me on to this knitting/ life blog Crazy Aunt Purl. It's written by a friend of a friend of michele and mark's. it's fun to ready. anyway. that's all from here, time to brush the teeth and pack the lunch. laters


pinback at coachella

Originally uploaded by randin.
even though i broke my beloved star necklace during the pinback show, it was worth it (and in reality not such a big deal as i still have the charm, i just need a new chain..) anyway. they played a great mix of songs from blue screen life and summer in abaddon. i loved this show so much, i was really looking fwd to it the whole time at coachella and could not wait, it was not too crowded so i got all the way in the front and this girl gave me some (new) earplugs since we were sooooo close. i can't explain it but this show was so moving to me, i don't know if it was the combination of being outside for two days straight of if they were really THAT amazing, it's definitely a possibility for the latter to be true. i hope to see pinback this weekend in baltimore, cross your fingers that i actually make my self go up there all alone!!

random notes

1. my marc train/ yarn project buddy told me today that they are making dark chocolate m&m's (peanut and plain) for star wars. the peanut ones are crazy good. buy a bag and take it to your work to share, it could be dangerous otherwise. it should also be noted that the colors of the actual m&ms are great- black, dark purple, even burgandy!!
2. after finishing back roads last friday, i returned it to the savage library and picked up coal run also by tawni o'dell and also i am charlotte simmons by tom wolfe (giant mammoth of a book). i would recommend back roads, it was well written and from an interesting perspective. there were some surprises, but it wasn't like a mystery book.
3. before i read back roads, i read this. i felt slightly embarrassed when i started it, but what do i really care, it was a fast read and interesting. the parts about his father are amazing/ bizarre/ explain what has created some of his problems, it's terribly depressing at times.
4. also, it should be noted that it's pretty crazy that books like scar tissue, don't try this at home by dave navarro and of course the dirt by motley crue are all available at my library. librarians are notorious for their support of first amendment issues so enjoy it before it's taken away by these turbulant times. (was that too preachy?)

celebrity sighting

today at union station i saw my first dc celeb in quite a while. it was wolf blitzer, hanging out in union station, grabbing a coffee. i did a double take and he saw me, probably thinking in his head, i can't wait to get back to cnn offices (mere feet away) and tell people that i got recognized by a girl catching the marc. anyway.
you might wonder who my other dc celeb sightings have been (or maybe you don't really care):
- greta von sustren (sorry for the terrible spelling, i am too lazy to check on spelling)
- wesley snipes (at a congressional black caucus event a few years ago, i was invited by a friend who works for a member of the CBC)
- random political figures, that is all.

i love the short stop

emailing: may 2005 short stop
Originally uploaded by amyr.
here's the photos we took at the short stop last time i was in LA. it turned out to be a weird night, we met this bartender who was from pgh, i love talking about pgh with people. this was also the night we celebrated greg getting his citizenship. he didn't want to participate in the photo booth, so we just took a crappy camera phone photo of him to commemerate the experience.

$105 gets you what???


me and k

potluck 5/2005
Originally uploaded by natashafialkov.
the best part of the potluck was my time hanging out with kahlo, who became quite brave at the end and ventured about half way down the steps. what a cutey. sure it looks like i am pinching her, but i am not!!


Originally uploaded by amyr.
natasha and dana graciously hosted a potluck on saturday night. really nice people that dana works with plus their significant others were there too, it was nice to meet everyone. lots of the usuals and some people i haven't seen in a while came, it was fun. i have posted some of the photos i took in my flickr acct.

this photo is (l-r) graw, heather, gabe, butter, and natasha in the middle.

Monday AM

Originally uploaded by amyr.
i spent some of my morning around this area. i am official, if you know what i am saying. august 29th will be here soooooo soon!

long day

allegheny tunnel
Originally uploaded by amyr.
today was such a long day. i can't believe everything i did today sums up to only less than 12 hours!! i can only be slightly specific about some of the day, but, i am sure anyone who reads this can figure it all out.
started out early, down in oakland which will get it's own post.
hung out with nantucket some of the day since she was off work which was nice. we also went and look at computers in monroeville and even saw graw at bb. met with natasha for coffee this afternoon since she didn't feel well yesterday, alas no trip to jo jos with me. then it was on the road back to md. talked to michele a while, i was started to wilt a bit, but she got me back on track. love to all.


review two, coachella, the faint

the Faint
Originally uploaded by mrmatt.
i know i have gushed about the faint already, but i have to review everyone i saw at coachella and the order is now set at backwards.
so, i had little experience with the faint before coachella, i had listened to wet from birth at borders a gazillion times thinking i would buy it eventually- i might have seen the video for i disappear somewhere too. anyway.... i went straight from pinback to see the faint and sat in the back of the outdoor area by myself waiting for michele to be done at NIN. the faint had the amazing screens going with crazy videos. i can't even explain, it was like old moveis at times, strange art films at times, it was amazing with the rocky dance extravaganza they have going... so i watched their whole set eventually with michele there too and dug it so much. i had to run to aeomoba when back in LA to get danse macabre. what can i say, i am a fool for the faint. what else can i say, they opened with deseperate guys which is the first song on wet from birth, with the weird violin part and all. people were dancing like maniacs, it was fun to see from this secret far away view.

also, this is when i saw carlos d from interpol walking around on the lawn, looking, well exactly like carlos d. actually i saw him twice.

so thumbs up to you, the faint! this was one of my highlights at coachella this year.

suddenly every thing has changed...

i am feeing better about that big event taking place at the end of the summer (i swear i will be more specific after approx. june 1). i guess it comes in waves. i am sure that i will continue to waver all summer over this.

it was a crazy day, one coworker's last day (complete with afternoon party) while another found out today that they will leave in just a few weeks time for a new opportunity. it's crazy, maybe we should consult the calender to see if this is the year of new opportunities/ changes. everyone seems excited about their moves so it should be good. i guess i do feel sad when we have these goodbye parties at work, especially when i feel like i didn't know the person as well as maybe i should have. who knows. it's almost like regret for me being backward and shy and well, backward. anyway, enough of that.

off to the burgh tomorrow for a few days, and one very important event on monday AM. goodnight to all


heidi from has her pb n j sandwiches featured on !!

more love for flickr

Duquense University steps
Originally uploaded by ndanger.
i know some of you are from pgh, and others haven't been to pgh, so i thought i would share this: a collection of great photos of pgh from flickr. please check them out whether you are from/ currently in pgh and you need a refresher as to why pgh is great, or if you haven't been there and you need some inspiration to get there.

why, cafeteria, why?

i have just returned from the cafeteria in my building. something not so good just happened up there and i don't know if i'll ever be the same.
the same cafeteria that has brought me such delights as plum nantucket nectars and also the spinach stuffed portobello has now turned against me by playing music in the morning. sure, it started out innocent enough with music being played on theme days, say when we would have food from a specific country (mexico day!) or region (a taste of europe, maybe they had exhausted all other things? isn't europe a bit too big to summarize in just two entrees and three sides?). i have noticed in the morning some non-descript music being played, but today i hear none other than "close my eyes forever" a spectacular duet from everyone's favourites ozzy osbourne and lita ford. how does that song fit into my morning ritual? is that a regional song. i felt so embarrassed by the song that i could not stand by the toaster waiting for my bagel, i had to walk away so i was further away from the source of the music. anyway. wacky.


tunnel vision

Originally uploaded by Urban Tiki.
i love looking at photos on flickr. this is the wabash tunnel in pgh. oh, pgh. how i love thee...

bright eyes, this photo does you justice

Conor Oberst, 2002
Originally uploaded by Heart Made of Bones.
i feel bad about posting that weird photo of conor in the windbreaker hoodie. this does him a bit more justice.

change is ok, it's just different

i have been thinking a lot about changes, so much so that it drives me crazy at times. really. so the past few days i have felt anxious about the upcoming changes (which soon i will be able to talk about by it's proper name...) really anxious. listening to the postal service was not helping so i have nixed that from the rotation for a while (is that cd not the most depressing cd ever pressed, or what?) so i watched scrubs the other night, i really love that show. and the moral to the show was that change isn't bad it's just different. i don't want to sound lame or touched by this show that is on NBC, but it just reinforced what i had been feeling and made me calm down a bit. who knew that a tv show could do that to anyone other than a 12 year old girl and her love for american idol... anyway.

coachella/ bright eyes

bright eyes from the latimes
Originally uploaded by amyr.
as bright eyes was the last band i saw at coachella, i shall start there for the full reviews (trust me this one will be short...)
bright eyes closed the festival as one of the very last bands to take the stage. i had been hanging around at the outdoor theatre waiting for michele to find me after NIN and watching the faint in amazement and progressively growing more cold- it's the desert you know. so there i was, no legwarmers to be found b/c i ditched them back at the hotel earlier in the day thinking it could not be that cold on sunday night, boy was i wrong. please note conor in his hooded coat. the faint were backing conor so the change over time between sets was minimal, yet i was still freezing. totally torn, i only watched about 3 bright eyes songs before bailing. lame i know, but i never get cold and i was totally teeth chatteringly cold. anyway... what i saw of bright eyes was good, but i couldn't help but think would i be more into this if i was in a club, probably. it was too late, too laid back and i was cold (in case i hadn't mentioned that part before). the faint were great/ energetic and i was enthralled with their set. i guess i wish i would have stuck around a bit more to see if bright eyes picked up or i felt more energetic, but, alas i did not. i know, not much of a review, but what can i say. what i did hear was all from digital ash, which i dig, but it was the more mellow stuff like gold mine gutted.

do you remember your dreams?

i didn't mean that in a "what color is your parachute" kind of way, rather, do you recall what you dreamed about last night?
i do, in great detail. m thought it would be appropriate for me to blog the weird dream i had last night:
that m and i were in LA and we went to denny's, why, well b/c we knew that dicky barrett (Of the mighty mighty bosstones/ mighty morning show) was a host there of course. so then we hung out with dicky after his shift, as a host at denny's he had to wear this smock thing, and even slept over at his house on the floor of his living room, not very hospitable, eh? i believe he drove us there in his saab with no a/c. it was weird b/c it was like this thing that dicky did, let people stay over at his house. when you look outside his house you could see a baseball stadium and he offered to take us to a game. also, he asked me to write down my address on this little notebook, like one that is spiral bound over the top, and everytime i wrote it it was like i didn't know how to write, and it was all messy and i was afraid he wouldn't be able to read it. it was also kind of sad b/c it was like he was lonely and just needed people he met at denny's to hang out, like he had a revolving cast of characters in his apartment. he was very nice in the dream. there was also this hint that this was the thing to do in LA, like everyone was going and hanging out with dicky.

ps i had an epiphany this afternoon that the miniature notebook came into play b/c my coworker told me that he just got a little notebook to carry with him to write down ideas. a ha...


ellicott city

ellicott city
Originally uploaded by amyr.
danielle and i went to ellicott city today to check it out, it was a lot of fun, tons of antiques stuff and little shops. it was fun to see eventhough neither of us bought anything.

I was acting indifferent at the merch booth, putting on makeup.

the faint at coachella
Originally uploaded by amyr.
if you are my friend and you are not listening to the faint, i don't think we can really be friends any more. i'm serious. i am mad for the faint right now. there's something about a guy singing about make up that is impressive to me. if you didn't see them at coachella with me, please check them out. fun fun fun, get up and dance suckas.


more coachella reviews

i know i have done really poorly with the lack of actual reviews of coachella, but as i formulate my thoughts on the bands (or if it's just not enough for me to say "the faint are sick") then read this. there are also photos for your viewing pleasure as well.

md. sheep and wool festival

wow, long day, it's been so busy lately. this weekend was the maryland sheep and wool festival. natasha and heather made the trip down for it and we had a fantastic time. everyone got stuff. oh, and we even saw heidi from!!! how funny is that?!?! i will have to post photos of the yarn i purchased later, nice burgandy. i love that this photo turned out so surreal and creepy with all the people in motion behind heather... there was also a photo that turned out "prefect" but i much prefer this one!! it was quite a tiring day, and i feel bad that due to other plans n and h had to drive all the way back home after (shhh, don't tell them but i cam home and took a long 2 hr. nap!!) all the photos from today are here.

oh, also, we all went swimming at n and h's hotel last night, sweet!! it was so much fun to visit with natasha and heather, oh and heather brought a crown she made with a feather in it and also natasha knit me a fantastic cowl/ wrap that is so beautiful!!
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m with the tivo

here's michele with the tivo set to our new fav. channel, vh1 mega hits!! please note the ipod cozy i had knitted previously in the background on the bookshelf!
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Originally uploaded by amyr.
i love pinback, too much in fact. i think i will have to break the less shows on school nights rule for pinback.

book mobile

book mobile
Originally uploaded by amyr.
i saw a book mobile in hollywood today.

finally, i got the skimmers!!

finally, i got the skimmers!!
Originally uploaded by amyr.
michele on left, me on right, i love them!!! i wish they had the ones michele had in my size. anyway.... vacation went by so fast, back to dc tomorrow and work on thursday, drats!!!

coverage of coachella

Awesome photos of the Peter Murphy entrance here: (everyone must see this, i didn't see it live as i was at bloc party, but michele reports it was amazing!!)
the local paper coverage here
and the latimes article is here

back from coachella

Originally uploaded by amyr.

ok, back from coachella now. gosh, talk about a whirlwind weekend. saw a ton of bands. pinback was phenominal (not to sound like a dork, but i wanted to freak out during their set b/c it was amazing to see them), bravery was amazing, and the faint was sooooo good. who else did i see, peretz (aka perry farrell), wilco, new order, razorlight, fantamos (with mike patton), bloc party, some of dresden dolls, some of bright eyes, a tiny bit of chemical brothers, so much fun. the faint really blew me away. i feel so tired still. we went swimming at the hotel, which if you don't know, i totally adore swimming, a lot. what else. went to short stop on friday before we left for coachella, and then again tonight, made some friends that friday night.

EDIT: saw stereophonics for only a few songs, arcade fire and kasabian while just hanging out. Also, how could i forget to mention that i saw Carlos D from interpol twice walking around during the faint. how funny, he's the like one of the most reconizable people in music, eh??

oh, did i blog about going to suss designs? nice nice, didn't buy anything, b/c well i have not that kind of money.
hmmm.... what else.... aomeba again, b/c i am a sucka....
if you click on the photo, you can go to my flickr photos to see more from coachella- check them out. michele will post more soon too inlcuding a better pinback photo!!
tomorrow i will do a work event in the PM. talk later, a.