Sort of Crafty

want to see what i am making? check back here...

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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


oh yeah.

dpns are so not hard, i was really intimidated by them but natasha assured me that they were easy. i believe i scoffed at that idea. i used them to finish up my hat this weekend and it was really easy... guess i should have trusted natasha all along!!


spells for knitting

spells for knitting
Originally uploaded by amyr.

i got this crazy halloween decor item today at jo jo's. michele actually spotted it, i was psyched. $3, how's that for a bargin....

quick recap of the weekend, i mentioned that i didn't go to the great pumpkin carving extravaganza on friday, but i did meet up with heather and leigh on saturday night before they headed to rocky, both looking totally foxy i might add, for a quick drink in gbg. gabe had told me earlier in the day that he would come but was sleeping or something when i talked to him, so he never showed up. heather's friends were already there so we just joined them quickly before h and L went to rocky horror. i was going to go with but lamed out at the last minute.
today i hung out with michele for a bit and am now working on homework, what else....
oh, i finished the hat i was working on, my first hat, i am pleased with how it turned out, a lame-o photo is located here .

yes, that's my room in the background, with it's never changing motif, old school dinosaur jr. poster, i think i've had it for approx. 12-13 years... i live like a 15 year old....


field trip

michele at svc
Originally uploaded by amyr.
michele and i headed back to svc yesterday, it was weird how much had changed, but i guess a lot was the same too. new building, new cafe, new coffee place, the shack was updated, but some of the buildings were just as weird as they always were so we dug that. we talked with some of our favourite professors and then met fran for a long coffee talk at dv8. i think we were all surprised when it was suddenly 6 o'clock- a good time was had by all!
i didn't go to heather's to pumpkin carve since i didn't even get home until 7. i felt bad about not going.... another time. homework galore today. laters. i think it may be warm enough again for a skirt/ boot/ tights extravaganza today. i hope anyway, this going from summer directly into winter thing sucks!!!!!


michele arrived!

san diego train station
Originally uploaded by amyr.
after delays in chicago, michele arrived and we had a delicious meal at ali baba. yeah!! today we will visit with fran and also the old stomping grounds- svc. photos to follow...

going away to camp.

natasha and yarn
Originally uploaded by amyr.
natasha is going away to spinning camp today, i am so happy for her. she had been feeling not so great so it her attendance was iffy. have an awesome time!


i'll make my own way, don't bother counting on me, loving me, just act like i'm gone

it's one of those days where you wake up pissed off. who knows why (or maybe i do know why and don't want to reveal on the blog....). i should probably hybernate today. i have taken to blasting logic will break your heart b/c it always seems to make me feel something, anything.... anyway.

depression will have to wait until another day, i have lots to do. visiting with natasha before she heads to camp and picking up michele from the airport tonight.

i was described as "antisocial and quiet, sarcastic and subdued" yesterday. that can't be good.


it's started...

winter that is, it's snowing as i type this....


insert something witty here

just a quick recap of snb etc. we had a decent turn out, with some of the regulars making it back. we also had a few people stop in who didn't know that the event was scheduled last night but promised to return next time. all in all a good group with fran, alice, heather and some others stopping by. heather and i had decided to go out for a bit after snb and i asked gabe to come with, so we all headed out. it was a good night even though i got 3.5 hrs. of sleep and i am now feeling a bit on the rotten side. anyway. back to reality of schoolwork and stuff, no knitting today- i think i may have a knitting related injury as my finger tips on my pointer fingers hurt so freaking bad. laters.


is it a problem

that i am dreaming of reference books like all the time, no in a good way, but in a way that i am constantly looking for answers???
i already have been analyzed in the past few days so i will not think too much more about these dreams; i did have someone tell me last week that "fear" is my crutch in life as opposed to like drugs or alcohol....


ever what to know what you need or what you should be doing differently? simply ask google. angel blogged this interesting thing:
A fun little game that is circulating through Myspace:Go to Google and type "(your name) needs" Then pick the 5 first ones there.

1. Amy needs to either wake up or start getting some extra will-power.
2. Amy needs to get out the monkeysicle and do some tests on him and what not. (WHAT????)
3. Amy needs a flu shot - like really really needs a flu shot. (intersting)
4. Amy needs a new pair of shoes From Google's lips to my credit card's ears. (right... i did stop into littles yesterday...)
5. Amy needs to mend her ways and be more of a team player.

6 was even better, but i didn't want to post it. no i guess this will become a big cycle b/c people will post these on their blogs and then get them put into google's searches and then it will just go round, right???


another lazy photo

Originally uploaded by amyr.
taken while lounging on the cathedral lawn.

i spent some of the afternoon laying down outside the cathedral

Originally uploaded by amyr.
if only it was more grass and less dirt around the cathedral. i may have look a bit dishevled at work, but i think it was worth it....


i am the worst blogger in the world

a few things of note:

  1. henry rollins name dropped trader joe's tonight. yes, he is into the joe's and apparently when he went on the trans siberian railway, he packed lots of tj's goodies. if you recall, hank has been spotted at tjs before....
  2. i did nothing but work this weekend, with a few spare moments of joking about.
  3. stitch and bitch makes a resurgence this friday... i am psyched for that.
  4. i have yet another library observation to perform. i think i am going back to squirrel hill again, as others don't dig this place, that may be the exact reason i do...
  5. i saw another svc prof. drinking coffee at my place of study this week. i reminded him that he taught me all there is to know about philo. and ethics all while expressing his deep love for aretha franklin. if only some of my current profs. would show blues brothers to teach us stuff, you know??
  6. bill and nantucket returned from jamaica, neither came back with beads in their hair (everyone has asked me this question, so i am just heading off the obvious question).
  7. michele comes to visit in just over two weeks, we have sworn that we will visit svc, just like every other time, we never go.... guess the memories are too powerful to revisit! i am sure michele will meet with everyone's fav. english prof!!


can't compute

you know when you either read something or someone says something that you don't understand, in the way that they might be speaking portuguese and you don't speak portuguese? that's the way i felt when i read this headline:
Martha Stewart set to race giant pumpkin in Canada
aside from the legal/immigration issues, this article just baffled me.

you may not know it, but i am an architectural genius.

i told michele a few weeks ago that the building where i attend school was crazy looking, like a tassoKatselas building. i kind of said it jokingly b/c when we went to svc they were always telling us that tasso was the master architect of svc (note the america's first benedictine college mantra on their pages...also, please note that 1. they still don't have ac in bonnie or gerry and 2. they still do "blocks" ensuring that you live by people you know but don't necessarily like...), with it's 60s style. i find out today while looking at the photo archive of the univ. that yes, yes, my current school building is a tasso creation believe it or not- of course i also knew that it was in the Brutalist Style, ha ha, or maybe i read that on the webpage.... anyway, i am glad that tasso is helping me secure more education, hopefully i will not see the inside of another of his grand creations.... (do you find it strange to put educational and correctional on the same page... i do not at this juncture).

i guess i am getting carried away. i had a weird/ semi-crap day at work today, feeling like i knew nothing at all and wanting to run away screaming. i spoke with a professor who said she had the same kind of day, is that encouraging or discouraging? in some many years i will still feel like i know nothing??? (please no comments on the fact that as humans we never learn it all, i freaking know, i just like to feel in control, also no comments about that please...)

i'm having lunch with michael tomorrow at spice island. rock.

lastly you should know that i saw a person who looked like a young colin farell today. it was terribly upsetting .

over and out.



on the way home from the party last night i had my old feeling of "urgh, it's saturday night, i'll have to drive back to dc tomorrow" as i went past the turnpike. it took me a second to think through this and remember that i actually live here now. so freaking weird. it was one of the lonliest moments in my life.

the party went well, low key, good food, all that. everyone seemed to have fun (no photos sorry, basiclly if you look in my flickr acct for potluck photos, have a photo of butter, hanson, me, natasha, dana, gabe, and dana's fam. that would be perfect!!)

it's so freaking cold out, i think i am seriously staying inside as long as possible today....


i wish it was like this today...

driving home
Originally uploaded by amyr.
it's dismal outside again. yuck. i feel bad that i haven't blogged, but really there is a whole lot of nothing to blog about. did homework the past few days, and today. there's a shindig for natasha's b-day tonight so that'll be fun. i feel like it's 4 o'clock in the morning. i don't know why....

watched the bob dylan doc. on dvd last night, i thought it was pretty interesting. (for those who don't know, i didn't have a chance for not knowing every single song bob dylan ever put out since my dad is a mega dylan fan, i know lots of dylan simply by default).

maybe i'll have some party photos to blog tomorrow....


happy birthday natasha

natasha and amy
Originally uploaded by amyr.
today is natasha's birthday! yeah!! i thought i would blog this photo b/c it is a fun photo of the birthday girly. natasha sent this photo to me when i was living in dublin, also i think there was also a photo of some food from starbucks, i can't exactly remember. anyway... natasha and i have known each other for 14 years or something really ridiculous. she's a super dear friend.


the glove compartment isn't accurately named and everybody knows it.

the weekend has nearly come and gone already. sunday mornings are the worst, well i guess aside from the sunday early evening depression. the realization that it's back to work and school is one of the worst feelings ever.

i did some studying yesterday, and some knitting, i have one of the armwarmers done and am started on the other. they're burgandy- one of my fav. colors.

i ended up going to the closing at dv8 last night. it was a lot of fun. i am always skiddish about going into situations where i know few people, but it turned out great. i did talk to mostly people i knew already. one of the people who had a piece in the show used to work with n and i hadn't seen him in forever, like probably more than 5 years. he had his new baby daughter there, crazy. gabe was bartending so i talked to him and terry and mark and one of my former profs. husbands. oh and heather and ben and their friends were there; i assumed that they would be there but had been too scared to call them to see if they were coming- mainly due to the fear of calling and having heather say "amy who???" when she didn't know who i was on the phone. i ended up going to red star with them for a short while and then headed home. so it was all good and it felt nice to be out and not at my house for a change feeling guilty about not reading homework 24/7.

n's birthday is this week so i need to get cracking on figuring out something to give her... i am having the worst time figuring out what to give her. i am no good.