tell me baby, what's your story?
what to tell....
it's been busy since i started back at my one job. i have acquired a new skill there- running the crazy book scanner, so since one of the main scanner peeps has been on vaca, i have been running the scanner in the morning. it's so bizarre and crazy and big and of course totally intimidating. i just sit there and scan away, it's a huge project so they will be working on it for a while. anyway, i was terrified after my lesson last week and didn't want to think about the stupid thing all weekend.
the weekend, went and hung out with a friend most of the day on friday, some swimming, but it's already getting cold. help them out with some stuff. it was nice enough to sit out under the stars and just chill later that night. (the week before we had a campfire, i came home cherishing the scent on my sweatshirt). saturday i went to a lit thing at dv8 and went home to do some stuff.
i have just been reading like mad since school hasn't been around to distract me. finally read nick hornby's last book and this week after work i cruised the clp for something to read and came across this book censoring culture , and lessig and all those kids wrote for that, so i dig it of course.
also, i am reading adverbs by daniel handler, aka lemony snicket (i don't fully understand that last sentence, but apparently he is well known as lemony whatever....). i saw it at my local library and just picked it up, then noticed that both chabon and dave eggers had written "praise" on the back, my kind of book. so i'm about 1/3 into it and i totally dig it, it's a bit of an interwoven story so it isn't instantly like you get what's going on, but i like it and have encountered some of the most amazing passages that i want to type out for you, but really, just go to the damn library yourself, pgs. 64 and 67- f-ing brilliant.
so that's what i have to say, i've been so busy that it's hard to remember that school is here so soon.
oh yeah, and possums are the new animal of the moment. i say this b/c i got totally freaked out by one when i saw it out the window the other night, i thought what is that??!?! it was so creepy looking. then i was watching some liam lynch action and he has a possum that eats catfood at his house and just walks in and interacts with his cats. wha??!?!
a few pics of what i have made lately. i made the t-shirt/button down tonight, it was easy enough and it worked out well that the cheap ass t shirt i had on hand went well with the house coat i had to use for fabric.

it's been busy since i started back at my one job. i have acquired a new skill there- running the crazy book scanner, so since one of the main scanner peeps has been on vaca, i have been running the scanner in the morning. it's so bizarre and crazy and big and of course totally intimidating. i just sit there and scan away, it's a huge project so they will be working on it for a while. anyway, i was terrified after my lesson last week and didn't want to think about the stupid thing all weekend.
the weekend, went and hung out with a friend most of the day on friday, some swimming, but it's already getting cold. help them out with some stuff. it was nice enough to sit out under the stars and just chill later that night. (the week before we had a campfire, i came home cherishing the scent on my sweatshirt). saturday i went to a lit thing at dv8 and went home to do some stuff.
i have just been reading like mad since school hasn't been around to distract me. finally read nick hornby's last book and this week after work i cruised the clp for something to read and came across this book censoring culture , and lessig and all those kids wrote for that, so i dig it of course.
also, i am reading adverbs by daniel handler, aka lemony snicket (i don't fully understand that last sentence, but apparently he is well known as lemony whatever....). i saw it at my local library and just picked it up, then noticed that both chabon and dave eggers had written "praise" on the back, my kind of book. so i'm about 1/3 into it and i totally dig it, it's a bit of an interwoven story so it isn't instantly like you get what's going on, but i like it and have encountered some of the most amazing passages that i want to type out for you, but really, just go to the damn library yourself, pgs. 64 and 67- f-ing brilliant.
so that's what i have to say, i've been so busy that it's hard to remember that school is here so soon.
oh yeah, and possums are the new animal of the moment. i say this b/c i got totally freaked out by one when i saw it out the window the other night, i thought what is that??!?! it was so creepy looking. then i was watching some liam lynch action and he has a possum that eats catfood at his house and just walks in and interacts with his cats. wha??!?!
a few pics of what i have made lately. i made the t-shirt/button down tonight, it was easy enough and it worked out well that the cheap ass t shirt i had on hand went well with the house coat i had to use for fabric.

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