Sort of Crafty
want to see what i am making? check back here...
About Me
- Name: amy
- Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.
eliza (not doolittle)
did i mention that i am knitting this tank top? i am using the shiraz color, it knits up so nice. i'll try and remeber to take a (bad) photo of it if i can.....
banned books week
click on the icon for more information (did you see my new badge on the left under links? cute eh?)
wow, who knew?
check out this book. next week is the official talk like a pirate day. (it is also strange to note that some of the pirates from that website will be on wife swap....)
return of the lemonheads.
i heard the new lemonheads song today on the radio. it was super bizarre b/c i actually turned in on in the middle of the song and thought, is that j mascis on guitar, and THEN heard evan dando and thought, what is this all about. i discovered j is guesting on the song, no backbone. i dig it. takes me back to all the things i like in high school, in one place (well, minus greg dulli.....). check out the song via myspace if you wish.
tell me baby, what's your story?
what to tell....
it's been busy since i started back at my one job. i have acquired a new skill there- running the crazy book scanner, so since one of the main scanner peeps has been on vaca, i have been running the scanner in the morning. it's so bizarre and crazy and big and of course totally intimidating. i just sit there and scan away, it's a huge project so they will be working on it for a while. anyway, i was terrified after my lesson last week and didn't want to think about the stupid thing all weekend.
the weekend, went and hung out with a friend most of the day on friday, some swimming, but it's already getting cold. help them out with some stuff. it was nice enough to sit out under the stars and just chill later that night. (the week before we had a campfire, i came home cherishing the scent on my sweatshirt). saturday i went to a lit thing at dv8 and went home to do some stuff.
i have just been reading like mad since school hasn't been around to distract me. finally read nick hornby's last book and this week after work i cruised the clp for something to read and came across this book censoring culture , and lessig and all those kids wrote for that, so i dig it of course.
also, i am reading adverbs by daniel handler, aka lemony snicket (i don't fully understand that last sentence, but apparently he is well known as lemony whatever....). i saw it at my local library and just picked it up, then noticed that both chabon and dave eggers had written "praise" on the back, my kind of book. so i'm about 1/3 into it and i totally dig it, it's a bit of an interwoven story so it isn't instantly like you get what's going on, but i like it and have encountered some of the most amazing passages that i want to type out for you, but really, just go to the damn library yourself, pgs. 64 and 67- f-ing brilliant.
so that's what i have to say, i've been so busy that it's hard to remember that school is here so soon.
oh yeah, and possums are the new animal of the moment. i say this b/c i got totally freaked out by one when i saw it out the window the other night, i thought what is that??!?! it was so creepy looking. then i was watching some liam lynch action and he has a possum that eats catfood at his house and just walks in and interacts with his cats. wha??!?!
a few pics of what i have made lately. i made the t-shirt/button down tonight, it was easy enough and it worked out well that the cheap ass t shirt i had on hand went well with the house coat i had to use for fabric.

it's been busy since i started back at my one job. i have acquired a new skill there- running the crazy book scanner, so since one of the main scanner peeps has been on vaca, i have been running the scanner in the morning. it's so bizarre and crazy and big and of course totally intimidating. i just sit there and scan away, it's a huge project so they will be working on it for a while. anyway, i was terrified after my lesson last week and didn't want to think about the stupid thing all weekend.
the weekend, went and hung out with a friend most of the day on friday, some swimming, but it's already getting cold. help them out with some stuff. it was nice enough to sit out under the stars and just chill later that night. (the week before we had a campfire, i came home cherishing the scent on my sweatshirt). saturday i went to a lit thing at dv8 and went home to do some stuff.
i have just been reading like mad since school hasn't been around to distract me. finally read nick hornby's last book and this week after work i cruised the clp for something to read and came across this book censoring culture , and lessig and all those kids wrote for that, so i dig it of course.
also, i am reading adverbs by daniel handler, aka lemony snicket (i don't fully understand that last sentence, but apparently he is well known as lemony whatever....). i saw it at my local library and just picked it up, then noticed that both chabon and dave eggers had written "praise" on the back, my kind of book. so i'm about 1/3 into it and i totally dig it, it's a bit of an interwoven story so it isn't instantly like you get what's going on, but i like it and have encountered some of the most amazing passages that i want to type out for you, but really, just go to the damn library yourself, pgs. 64 and 67- f-ing brilliant.
so that's what i have to say, i've been so busy that it's hard to remember that school is here so soon.
oh yeah, and possums are the new animal of the moment. i say this b/c i got totally freaked out by one when i saw it out the window the other night, i thought what is that??!?! it was so creepy looking. then i was watching some liam lynch action and he has a possum that eats catfood at his house and just walks in and interacts with his cats. wha??!?!
a few pics of what i have made lately. i made the t-shirt/button down tonight, it was easy enough and it worked out well that the cheap ass t shirt i had on hand went well with the house coat i had to use for fabric.
first back to school item....
i love these boots, i want to wear them to work tomorrow, but alas, i think it still might be too warm.
a total sucker for the jables
so, the tenacious d movie has been a long time coming, but liam lynch put up a trailer, funny stuff.
You've been reading some old letters. You smile and think how much you've changed. All the money in the world couldn't buy back those days.
i realized when driving home last night that i have been back here for exactly a year. a lot has changed. i'm 9 credits away from a graduate degree. i'm back in a place where i don't have a super long commute. i don't live alone anymore. i like being here. is it all peaches and creme 24/7? of course not, and i wouldn't expect it to be.
i re-read high fidelity on friday and saturday (quick read, not quick reader) and remembered how much i loved that book when i first read it. i poured over every detail. it also is attached to a specific time in my life, living in dublin, almost ready to come home, avoiding doing my final work by reading a nick hornby book. it was on the verge of a change in my life. i came home and saw the movie with n the day after i was back.
i guess the point is that the book obviously deals with aspirations and the pull between being satisfied with what we have and avoiding settling and giving up aspiring to be better. i chose to quit my job to go back to school, rightfully so i think. i am excited to be associated with a profession, a group of people who see value in some of the things that i value. will it always feel like this? i doubt it. but the moment is great now.
i think about the things i thought were so dissatrous actually were nothing at all. i don't know.
i'll stop philsophizing now....
anyway. so what else has been up.
i went to shopping (aka, them shopping, me buying a headband...) in pgh last week with a friend. finally went to south side works. nice environment, i don't really have much reason to shop down there, but it was cool to check out and to see. it was a good day.
i have just been sewing and doing some other stuff. reading loads. i cranked through high fidelity and am now reading great gatsby. i don't want to expand my horizons so i'll just re-read books i dig. i explained it to someone i encountered yesterday as it's like listening to your favourite song or album again, that's the way re-reading things is for me, just a familiar nice feeling. (speaking of, did anyone else see that almost famous was on tv last week? i happened to have been checking out what was on via the tv guide channel b/c i am not so into flipping through all the crap and caught the beginning...) i think of gatsby in the summer anyway. back, back to sewing, i have been working on some good modifications and some good other pattern kinds of things. i love having the time now to do this stuff.
work will be commensing much earlier than i expected. i got a call last week that they wanted me to learn some new stuff and cover for someone who will be out the week before school starts. so i am training on wednesday and then working all week the week before school. sadness at the end of my vacation, that's for certain. but money is money and is always needed and appreciated.
so, i love you all and that is all.
powered by
i re-read high fidelity on friday and saturday (quick read, not quick reader) and remembered how much i loved that book when i first read it. i poured over every detail. it also is attached to a specific time in my life, living in dublin, almost ready to come home, avoiding doing my final work by reading a nick hornby book. it was on the verge of a change in my life. i came home and saw the movie with n the day after i was back.
i guess the point is that the book obviously deals with aspirations and the pull between being satisfied with what we have and avoiding settling and giving up aspiring to be better. i chose to quit my job to go back to school, rightfully so i think. i am excited to be associated with a profession, a group of people who see value in some of the things that i value. will it always feel like this? i doubt it. but the moment is great now.
i think about the things i thought were so dissatrous actually were nothing at all. i don't know.
i'll stop philsophizing now....
anyway. so what else has been up.
i went to shopping (aka, them shopping, me buying a headband...) in pgh last week with a friend. finally went to south side works. nice environment, i don't really have much reason to shop down there, but it was cool to check out and to see. it was a good day.
i have just been sewing and doing some other stuff. reading loads. i cranked through high fidelity and am now reading great gatsby. i don't want to expand my horizons so i'll just re-read books i dig. i explained it to someone i encountered yesterday as it's like listening to your favourite song or album again, that's the way re-reading things is for me, just a familiar nice feeling. (speaking of, did anyone else see that almost famous was on tv last week? i happened to have been checking out what was on via the tv guide channel b/c i am not so into flipping through all the crap and caught the beginning...) i think of gatsby in the summer anyway. back, back to sewing, i have been working on some good modifications and some good other pattern kinds of things. i love having the time now to do this stuff.
work will be commensing much earlier than i expected. i got a call last week that they wanted me to learn some new stuff and cover for someone who will be out the week before school starts. so i am training on wednesday and then working all week the week before school. sadness at the end of my vacation, that's for certain. but money is money and is always needed and appreciated.
so, i love you all and that is all.
happy birthday, michele
it's michele's birthday, an important one. so, i shall include funny photos of us from back in the day.
i met michele when she moved to our school in 10th grade. she kicked my chair in a totally annoying way during geometry and she's been around ever since. all of the photos are from amy and michele: the high school years.

michele and i before she went off to the prom. she stole my date, not really but that sounded funny.

michele on our last day of high school during our sophomore year. note the lovely blue high school lockers in the background.

here's the obligatory senior photo shot. we are poster children for the 90s, eh?
happy birthday michele!!!!
i met michele when she moved to our school in 10th grade. she kicked my chair in a totally annoying way during geometry and she's been around ever since. all of the photos are from amy and michele: the high school years.
michele and i before she went off to the prom. she stole my date, not really but that sounded funny.
michele on our last day of high school during our sophomore year. note the lovely blue high school lockers in the background.
here's the obligatory senior photo shot. we are poster children for the 90s, eh?
happy birthday michele!!!!
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
the past week has been a total blur, so fast. i finished my field placement and they had a little party for me, which was so nice. things were so busy around there this summer, i never really knew where i stood, you know?
so, i am down to one job/ responsibility for the moment. two more days and then i have a bit of a full respite. i am enjoying doing things by myself lately, working on cover letters and resumes, reading books like mad, just thinking it all over. sewing patterns that i started weeks ago.
it feels so nice to concentrate on what i want, not what is being pushed into my head, you know? i have to catch up with a few people whether via email or phone soon, i promise you.
writing for myself. writing about the past year and being back here. they're right when they say you can never go back home. you see things differently and have something else to add to the situation, whether you want to add to it or not.
i know i don't share too much info on this blog, but unfortunately or fortunately (do you really want to know the full details of what i am thinking all the time, i didn't think so) this is just a way to keep others up to date on me. i do plenty of thinking and processing on my own. i also try to keep what's going on deep down with me, to myself. you don't need to read about every emotion i posess throughout the day, whether good or bad. this isn't to say that i am purposely censoring myself, it simply means that i am trying to keep it all in perspective. why am i even thinking about this now? maybe b/c it's been a while since i have written many words on the computer and it's just forcing itself out of me.
i have only been reading tech and library blogs- out of the necessity of keeping my mind on school, which is so fast in it's approach. i cut down some of my other blogs lack of desire to keep up with them, nothing personal, i just can't read em all. i am psyched to see what my classes will be like. i can only imagine now.
i just finished beijing doll, i had read something about it before but just saw it on the shelf at the library last week so i picked it up and cruised through it. i started doing nothing, but have to return it, no more renewals. i guess i'll have to pick it up again soon.
i racking my brain on what to give m for her birthday, it's a momumental one as well and calls for something ever better than before.... plus i guess i like her, even if i have to wear shitty flip flops to her wedding.
i love jeff tweedy's jacket at lolapalooza, sweet.....
(marky mark, use of an oasis lyric for the subject is my birthday present to you.... i actually listened the whole way through to don't look back in anger last week, spurring this use of the lyric....)
so, i am down to one job/ responsibility for the moment. two more days and then i have a bit of a full respite. i am enjoying doing things by myself lately, working on cover letters and resumes, reading books like mad, just thinking it all over. sewing patterns that i started weeks ago.
it feels so nice to concentrate on what i want, not what is being pushed into my head, you know? i have to catch up with a few people whether via email or phone soon, i promise you.
writing for myself. writing about the past year and being back here. they're right when they say you can never go back home. you see things differently and have something else to add to the situation, whether you want to add to it or not.
i know i don't share too much info on this blog, but unfortunately or fortunately (do you really want to know the full details of what i am thinking all the time, i didn't think so) this is just a way to keep others up to date on me. i do plenty of thinking and processing on my own. i also try to keep what's going on deep down with me, to myself. you don't need to read about every emotion i posess throughout the day, whether good or bad. this isn't to say that i am purposely censoring myself, it simply means that i am trying to keep it all in perspective. why am i even thinking about this now? maybe b/c it's been a while since i have written many words on the computer and it's just forcing itself out of me.
i have only been reading tech and library blogs- out of the necessity of keeping my mind on school, which is so fast in it's approach. i cut down some of my other blogs lack of desire to keep up with them, nothing personal, i just can't read em all. i am psyched to see what my classes will be like. i can only imagine now.
i just finished beijing doll, i had read something about it before but just saw it on the shelf at the library last week so i picked it up and cruised through it. i started doing nothing, but have to return it, no more renewals. i guess i'll have to pick it up again soon.
i racking my brain on what to give m for her birthday, it's a momumental one as well and calls for something ever better than before.... plus i guess i like her, even if i have to wear shitty flip flops to her wedding.
i love jeff tweedy's jacket at lolapalooza, sweet.....
(marky mark, use of an oasis lyric for the subject is my birthday present to you.... i actually listened the whole way through to don't look back in anger last week, spurring this use of the lyric....)
oh, so angelic
it's bill's birthday today. a monumental one, but i won't mention which one... if you see bill on the street today, wish him a happy birthday....
if only.
talk about a cool concept, like a knit cafe, only better. i wish i wish we had a place like this around here...stitch in san fran looks awesome.....
hades vacation
have i used this subject before? maybe, anyway.
it is so freaking hot lately, it's no good. lots of a/c, lots of lethargic walking to the bus stop, lots of sheilding eyes from blinding sun. guess that's what summer is all about so i'll stop the complaining. it's amazing though, right now. a storm is a brewing and the wind is kicking up, sweeping through the windows of the computer room. making me freel just a tad bit cooler. i love it right now.
i promise to blog more life changing details later, sooner rather than later that is....
wishes of low humidity to you all.
it is so freaking hot lately, it's no good. lots of a/c, lots of lethargic walking to the bus stop, lots of sheilding eyes from blinding sun. guess that's what summer is all about so i'll stop the complaining. it's amazing though, right now. a storm is a brewing and the wind is kicking up, sweeping through the windows of the computer room. making me freel just a tad bit cooler. i love it right now.
i promise to blog more life changing details later, sooner rather than later that is....
wishes of low humidity to you all.
i had this insane dream that most of my teeth got knocked out the other night, it was creepy. i talked to someone about it and they said it meant i was going to lose something valuable, that freaked me out even more, so i looked for another possibility via the internet. i guess this one is better. they have really strange dreams on there.... i guess it's better than the one i had last week re: going to a high school reunion with this person who was my boyfriend (please note, i don't really think i am attracted to that person, it's just training camp mayhehm around here....) and no one believed me, they said i had paid him to go to the reunion with me. sad, i know.