Sort of Crafty

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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


a side of fries with that pinback?

there's something not so great about hearing pinback on the muzak at denny's at 330 am. what is going on in the world exactly???

i swear the infamous list will be posted tomorrow, later today.


who put the a in addicted?

my fascination with music documentaries/ concerts hit all time high (low?) when i sat at watched who put the m in manchester ? in it's entirety yesterday. yes, yes, i did. i found it strangely fascinating that morrissey kept taking his shirt off, not in a sexy kind of way, but in a what is the deal with him doing that kind of way.

you had something to hide, should have hidden it shouldn't you (alternate title: let me hear you speaking just for me)

so i wanted to be asleep hours ago, yet here i am blogging while in a strange depeche mode induced fog. i have been listening to random things on my mp3 while thinking about my top cds of the year list (i like that this is becoming like a homework assignment for me, i initially thought maybe listening to music would help me sleep, but now i feel all consumed by the list....).

natasha and i cruised the mall quickly today for good sales, no dice for either of us which is ok, b/c i for one am not exactly richy rich. i did pick up some super cheap fabric at jo jos so hopefully i'll get ol' emma into action and sewing again. we met up with heather for dinner and hung out at natasha's house for a bit.

it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow, i need something to kick my butt into gear. winter is so depressing for me.... i know that the days are again getting longer but i need more daylight.

what's everyone doing for new year's???



Originally uploaded by amyr.
you must think that i am super cool and busy since i haven't blogged lately right??? no, not at all. i have done pretty much nothing since last week, and now i am remembering that feeling that one gets when xmas or summer vacation is more than half over....
1. got my grades, guess i can return to school again next semester...
2. had another crazy event while being out in gbg. i am thinking that i can only go out when things are low key. i hate having the feeling of having to take care or watch people. i am not the kind of person who can just walk away from people who are maybe too drunk or making bad choices... at least i can't listen to them the next day tell me how they did things that they think are terrible and feel bad for them. done.
3. xmas was ok, no major drama so that's what it's all about if you ask me.
4. it was nice for like two days then it snowed again yesterday. luckily michele is keep us up to day on the lovely la weather via her blog (just kidding michele...)
5. knit some gifts for people yesterday while i was inside ALL DAY LONG. since they will know soon enough, i made someone a hat and someone else armwarmers. i will have to photo them soon...
6. i may go shopping today with n, oh her website is up, looking fancy n'at (as we say in pgh.)

i am still thinking about my year end music recap!!!


felting, the great disappointment

yes, so felting, did not turn out exactly how i planned it. guess it's not an exact science, and we all know that i am only interested in 1. exact science and 2. instant gratification.

just to keep my readers tuned in... following pitchfork's list of the top 50 album/ singles/ worst albums, etc. i am compiling in my head what exactly i bought and listened to this year... stay tuned suckas!


not quite like the desert here....

windmills again
Originally uploaded by amyr.
quick recap to keep the readers interested....
the weekend:
hung out with just about every single person i know around these parts on saturday night. girls did some crafty projects so that was fun....
friday night i didn't go out b/c i was feeling lazy and basiclly cold.

yesterday n and i hit the mall and did some shopping for xmas, oh wait in my case it was more like shopping for myself as lame as that is. it's amazing that stuff is so cheap and it's not even xmas yet. meeting with h tonight to go some of her shopping done....

tis all.

oh, i secured that new part time job so i am psyched about that, starting in mid-jan. oh, janelle, i don't know if you read this anymore, but the new job is around where you work i think.

lastly, here's my thought for the day:
i heart huckabees is not the type of movie where you can just start watching it in the middle, that didn't work out too well for me...


mcsweeney's, you make me swoon

i know it's last minute, but if you're looking for pirate supplies, you should really go to 826 rather than captain rick's....


school's out for the semester

Originally uploaded by amyr.
(sing that like alice cooper kids...)
so it's that time of year that you loved when you were like 10- xmas vaca. yes, i am psyched that there are no more teachers and no more books at least for 3 weeks.
had a interview today, hopefully that went as well as i thought it had...
spent the day yesterday at the carnegie. fun fun. of course i was psyched about the witness to the fifties exhibit. the dinosaurs are still missing.
gosh, what else.... guess nothing else to report.

plans for winter vacation:
- read books that do not deal with info. arch. or reference services
- spend some quality time with people, i feel like i didn't do that too well this semester.
- do some laundry (not that i haven't done that this semester, but i just have a back log at present....)
- get out of town for at least a day!



is bananas the phrase of the year or what? anyway, that was going through my head on the bus ride home yesterday evening. i got out early so i took a different bus and it was madness. someone maybe had a bad time at the xmas party and threw up, someone was bleeding b/c they fell. honestly, it was like total mayhehm.

last day, work is done (i hope). that is all....


dippy gets a new scarf

Originally uploaded by amyr.
i didn't make this for him, mysteriously he suddenly had a new scarf after i blogged about it... are the right people reading this or what? oh that's right, no one reads this!! so dippy's scarf is made of felt wiht some fringe also of felt.

it's down to the wire on the last assignment.... hopefully i can finish (oh, what a relative term at this point...) tonight. xo to all.


he said really i just wanna dance, good and evil matched perfect it's a great romance

when stressing out, is e. smith the best choice to listen to? i apologize for my erratic behaviour lately. yes, that is all.

hopefully sans mustache

12.05.05 Jack Black will be hosting Saturday Night Live on Saturday December 17th!

first real snow

Originally uploaded by amyr.
for some of you who enjoy sunny socal weather, i send this to you. last night was the first big snow of the year, already i am sick of it. i like that i couldn't even really go outside to take this photo,i just opened the door and took it.

here's a few things i have figured out about myself lately.
i long to see the u.s. from a car, not during the winter probably, but maybe during the spring.... if you are a band and you make a documentary about your band relationships, touring, making a record, i'll surely watch and enjoy said documentary. i watched drive well, sleep carefully last night and liked it.
i have to make the cd compilation of my guilty pleasures. i have been compiling the list....
i hardly ever check to see who will be on the latenight shows, but just as i was getting off the phone and going to bed last night, i heard conan say that luke wilson would be on. he's def. one of my guilty pleasure things. yeah. i am sure i will rent the family stone on dvd when it comes out (i don't really go to the movies....) simply b/c it combines luke wilson and sjp, my total girl crush. plus, my 1993 dinosaur jr. t-shirt is featured in the commercial. i'm rambling.

look what i found

Go Steelers
Originally uploaded by mika02.
this was tucked back in my flickr acct. just waiting to be used.

since dippy is located at the bus stop that i frequent, i hope they put this super scarf on him (? is that presumptuous?) this year too. maybe that's what my next knitting project will be, a long scarf for dippy!!

i should note that it's not my photo, just something i found on flickr.


i need a haircut desperately

Originally uploaded by amyr.
only two weeks until i can get a haircut, not at rudy's but rather somewhere in the state of pa. anyway.... it's so close to the end of the semester. i feel a bit crazed, but hopefully that will pass soon enough. if you don't talk to me, don't take it personally, i am just hybernating and cursing my studying ways....
the webpage is done for my inf. arch. assignment. this was simply for the assignment, but we'll see what it turns into. didn't have enough server space at school so i had to put it here.
that is all. over and out.

how pgh.

Originally uploaded by amyr.
here's what it's all about people....

myst. of pgh.

Originally uploaded by amyr.
so this is one of the views from my fav. bridge, who doesn't have one of those. so industrial and strange...


i was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, that much is true...

i did not karaoke don't you want me baby on saturday night, they didn't even have it, nor did they have if i can't have you.... not that i probably would have karaoked either one in real life- i am a great fan of karaoke in my head i guess. typical weekend, just some new players in the mix- a few former high school friends made special guest appearances this weekend. fun was had.
we're down to the last two weeks of school. i feel somewhat ok about the amount of work left, i will have to work hard this weekend, but then it'll all be ok. the big website assignment is complete and will be demoed today. that is all.


why didn't anyone tell me??

project runway starts this wednesday!!! check on the preview here!


i knew that studying and coffee (sort of) mixed

if i had known before my presentation this week....

panther hollow

i decided that the bridge that goes from the carnegie to phipps over panther hollow is my favourite new place. there are these two overlooks at either end of the bridge that allow you to look out over the hollow and at the back of the carnegie complex. it's a strange view, everything looks uber instrustrial with smoke rising. i don't know why it got me. i started thinking about the mysteries of pgh and how much i love that book. not to sound lame, but things that make me happy, really make me happy. like books that i could read 900 times, and movies i could watch eternally simply to see that one scene that i adore. anyway.

i might have to view the new version with extra features (like a dvd folks). also, as reported on m. chabon's website:
The Mysteries of PittsburghAs of September 17, 2005, 11:50 PM
As if to celebrate the recent reissue of this 1988 novel by HarperCollins, with a swank new
cover, a proposed film adaptation of the book is now in the works, to be written and directed by Rawson Thurber, writer/director of the commercially successful and highly amusing Dodgeball (2004). Mr. T.’s script is top notch.

anyway, if that was of interest to anyone, i'm glad i could share it.