Sort of Crafty

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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


so close

i am one demo away from being done with school for the semester. take that. i have a demo in about an hour of the digital library, presentation is done. i will feel so much better after the demo is done, urgh. tomorrow i work and then i get ready for LA. it's raining and depressing at present, i hope LA will not be rainy.

have i not done the weekend update yet??? jeez louise, i am lame.

friday was snb (and homework earlier in the day), minus one of our regulars, we did have some new people stop by. some didn't knit in public, but they decided to stop by anyway.... went to red star after and chatted with the kids. stayed out late, regretting it all the way home. i hate staying till the end- then all the crazies are on the roads and it freaks me the f out. if i am staying out i prefer to go to a 24/7 establishment before i head home so i am not driving at 2:02 AM. no more of that. hmm... what else. oh, i picked up some stuff at st. v de p and ufo, books for altering and square dancing skirt for , um, something. you know, like a crazy looking petticoat, yeah. pink!!

did some more work to the digital library and then headed over to natasha's for a bit. we had pizza and she spun and half heartedly knit a scarf that i had frogged earlier in the day. i needed icons for the digital library and couldn't get illustrator free trial to load, a friend helped me out and i went over some stuff with him before i got home. they worked out well, i owe him.

sunday i had to meet my group at the cathedral taking much longer than i would have liked, at one point i was nearly laying on the floor out of frustration with the software, i couldn't get what i wanted to to work, so i just cut it out in the end, i guess no functionality is better than not working functionality, right? let's hope my prof. agrees, cross your fingers on that one.

still don't know about sheep and wool, i am spending $ like water as i want to go to that symposium in md and that costs money, i didn't plan on buying anything at snw, but alas, i guess i just feel bad.

finally, i got the wicker park soundtrack from the library, i know, strange that i would wnat that right, well, check out the list of songs, it's bizarre. unreleased stills song (IN FRENCH sucka), all good.

ok, i am off like a dirty shirt.


Blogger SOVIETS said...

is that the one with the great postal service cover of that phil collins (i heart phil collins) song?

8:01 PM  
Blogger amy said...

um, yes!!! can you even believe?

9:49 PM  

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