Sort of Crafty

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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


natasha's interview of me

here are amy's interview questions:
1.i have known you a long time. yup. what do you consider your best attribute, other than your hair, both physically and mentally?
i guess mentally i have a weird memory like a steel trap, i have the capacity to catalogue weird events and then remember the strange details, plus i do have somewhat of a calculating mind- even though i so rarely use it, i am sort of mathematically minded.
physically i would have to say my knees, they are freckled and that's about all i have to say about that.
2.if you could go back and live in any historical era, what would it be, where would it be, and what would your station in life be there?
nothing too difficult, probably the 50s when people are just getting into "modern conveniences", i like to be clean way to much so anything without running water would not be for me. plus during that 40s/ 50s period people enjoyed the things i actually like to do now. my station unfortunately would probably be just as i am now, a single person ( i guess i would be known as a spinster by now, eh?)
3.if you could be a famous person, alive or dead, one man and one woman, who would it be and why? choose one of each for looks, and one of each for personality or accomplishments. did i already mention that these questions are tough... i don't know, someone creative who accomplished something, i don't know who i would want to be looks wise, someone still with red hair. i am sorry but i can't do this one.... i guess i wouldn't want to be a person who was known for one thing, i would rather be good at lots of stuff. anyway.
4.congrats on getting into library school...once you graduate, what would be your dream job? it doesn't need to be realistic.
i really love music and organization/ information structure so maybe something dealing with those two things, but not like a musicologist, more like a cataloguer (digital of course) of music (really only music i like, i want to specialize in things i only like!) ok that description sucked, i basically just described freaking napster. ok, i just want to organize people's records and cds for a living, that's it. i am going to grad school simply for that. to learn how to cross reference (is this a scene from party girl or what....)
5. you moved out on your own to dc and have actually been able to take care of yourself, first, kudos, second, what are the biggest things you have learned from the experience, and how do you think you have changed as a result? thanks. i have learned really random things like how to walk down a moving or stationary escalator. when i first got here i was terrified of escalators and having to walk on them (mostly down) but just today i walked down this huge escalator into the metro station. this is not a particularly important accomplishment, but i honestly remember having to walk down an escalator at dupont that was broken and i could almost not even force my legs to move- it was terrifying. there are still some wack escalators in dc that i will not walk down... EVER.
also, i walk really fast now. i was never a straggler, but now i am like a speed demon, i get so annoyed when there are all these visitors in dc and they are casually strolling. also, a really good lesson i learned is that in dc a man will basically push a girl out of the way to get a seat on the metro. i know that i cannot live w/o music in my ears while going to work/ coming home, it's terrible b/c it really is used as a barrier to the outside world/ noise/ and most importantly strangers who might want to converse with you. (um, notice all these things are related to my commute, the biggest change in my life since moving here....)
post the questions and answers on your blog, along with a call for people who want to do the same and be interviewed (if you want to be interviewed, please post a comment)

NP: QOTSA/ Lullabies to Paralyze (Long, Slow Goodbye, how awesome is that song?? am i the last to correspond the album title to a line in Mosquito song from SFTD??)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so you are to pick one boy and one girl for each question, looks and accomplishments. How about Looks: Johnny Depp (boy), Johnette Napolitano of Concrete Blonde (girl). Accomplishments: Queen Elizabeth I (girl), Jon Stewart of the Daily Show (boy). There, now you can use mine!

10:25 PM  
Blogger natasha said...

um, you know how terrified of escalators i used to be. they still freak me out a bit.

you can't think of any famous people? so so odd. i would pick cate blanchett for looks and ewan mcg and jimmy carter and margaret atwood.
looks like the field trip will be next week. it is so hard to coordinate. yes thurs would be fine, ooh, i have a thing, how about tues. oh it is wed already?

11:27 PM  
Blogger ALVenable said...

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8:43 AM  
Blogger ALVenable said...

Long live spinsters and speed-walkers!! (Mainly because I'm one, too) :)

Oh yeah, sign me up for being interviewed!

8:44 AM  

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