Sort of Crafty

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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


oh, sauerkraut tower

sauerkraut tower, svc
Originally uploaded by amyr.
here's a bad photo of ye ole sauerkraut tower at svc. we were talking about it yesterday so i thought i would blog it...

i have been so slacking on my homework this weekend, which is why i am home searching db tonight.

snb was last night, ok turn out, some people who returned and some new folks so that was cool. i cranked out the hat i was working on, thanks to the fact that natasha lives close by so i could grab some DPNs to work on the crown and borrowing a safety pin from someone else to sew up the top. i will photo soon.

went out with gabe and heather afterwards and ran into someone i knew a long time ago. so strange.... it was nice to see him and catch up. he's even more successful than when i knew him back in the day- he def. has the skills to pay the bills....if you know what i mean.
gosh, i feel terrible to report nothing more... i may have to start making stuff up.


Blogger DarcyArtsy said...

Okay Amy, I have no idea what a DPN
is and what is the story on the sauerkraut tower? I hate sauerkraut! Blech Hope you feel better.

3:27 PM  
Blogger amy said...

Double Pointed Needles, Darcy.
Michele, what's the Sauerkraut tower's story???

10:31 PM  

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