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Location: outside pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

just a normal person who likes crafting and music better than most things. i really like hand clapping in songs, a lot. hopefully one day i'll grow up to become a librarian, no seriously i do want to be a librarian... i like photobooths also. i dislike computer voices, a lot.


i'll be waiting for you on fountain and fairfax

fountain and fairfax
Originally uploaded by amyr.
so i have taken the day off tomorrow to take care of some appointments, etc. (for those keeping track, tomorrow is 4 weeks until i leave my job...and well, 4 weeks and a day until i leave town). it's getting a bit stressfull, making sure as much as possible is written down at work for others to follow and just making sure things there are in order. then there's the moving situation itself, i am majorly stressing on that, i am having the most insane nightmares lately. one about a group of people that i used to work with in pgh, i got mad at one of the guys and put gum in his hair and then everyone was really mad and me and basiclly told me that i was out of their group.
the other last night was that i had this large suede sack full of all of my stuff (yeah, right, on a few counts, 1. i don't like the way suede feels, and 2. like i could fit my stuff in a sack (like santa), so i take it on the amtrak (which is huge b/c it looks like an airport waiting room) and then i leave, leaving the bag behind, of course i come back and it's gone and i try to figure out who in the crowd has taken my sack of possessions, but really, a ha, right security has take said sack b/c i have left it unattended (gee, i wonder where that came from, surely not my daily commute train ride with people constantly saying, don't leave your crap behind....)
when i am not nightmaring, i am not sleeping well either. i need to figure this stuff out b/c i am starting to feel loco.

up to pittsburgh this weekend with P5 packed to the gills. she will be full of stuff to move into my new and improved circleville branch (aka, the homestead). lots to do this weekend, so hopefully being busy will allow me to sleep some?

can i just give a shout out to blow out, holy cow, why was i not watching this before??!?!?! it's one of the few reality shows i dig, and i dig it a lot. that johnathan, he's a rock star. i want him and greg dulli to hang out (they are similar, no?)i read on another blog that people were playing a drinking game (not that i am supporting this idea, kids at home) in which everytime he says johnathan, you have to drink. apparently he said johnathan 37 times last episode.

i was listening to the whigs today and i thought i would blog this photo. i love seeing the corner of fountain and fairfax everytime i visit michele. oh, greg dulli, how i love thy.

love to all, even if you're not greg dulli.


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