just a quick four hour drive, and some photobooths
spent the weekend in pgh/ gbg. very short weekend visit, went by so fast. it didn't help that i felt totally tired and run down (i apologize to those i hung out with, i was so lame, sorry) had jioio's pizza at natasha and dana's house and watched some tivoed knitty gritty (always fun!!) and just kind of hung out. it's always nice to see natasha (and dana and the cats). so that was about all. natasha is a great knitter (as you can see she knits at work, at home, everywhere). i just thought of an amazing purse idea, so i hope to try that this week and have some exciting photos to post! oh, also, cbs sunday morning had a story about, what else, PHOTOBOOTHS. They showed the interior of the short stop (which i can apparently identify only seeing short 2 second shots of the back room), but luckily did not name drop it. greg, what is up with all the new publicity for the short stop??? (maybe greg d. can address this issue by posting a comment to my blog, or maybe not.... sigh).
Posted by Hello
you will be stunned to hear that the photos don't work...is it blogger or hello? hm...christine, my real sister told me that blogspirit is good. i'll give blogger a chance to redeem itself. it was my first love. you know?
wait, you can't see the photos on my blog? i can see the photos...
hey amy, just wanted to tell you that your friend in that photo is hot and your website is banging!!
thanks greg, although i didn't really picture your writing to be quite like that... oh drats. i thought you were cooler!!
Hey, why not show the goods? Who wouldn't love to see a photo strip from the short stop?
will see what i can do, anonymous.
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